Home Meetings


  • 17
  • May, 2021
The meeting with representatives of the community of people who use drugs, the CCM Secretariat and a representative of the Eurasian Harm Reduction Network was held on May 17, 2021. During the meeting, a draft Strategic Document developed by the PWID Forum was presented, on the basis of which the PWID community was instructed to develop proposals for inclusion in the funding request to mitigate the impact of COVID19 for HIV and TB programs.

Minutes, list of participants

  • 14
  • May, 2021
The Country Dialogue with international organizations' representatives was conducted on 14 May 2021.
  1. Information on the Allocation Letter 
  2. Examples of Community, Rights and Gender-related Investments during COVID-19: Summary of COVID-19 Guidance Notes and Recommendations from Civil Society and Communities. Proposals. Working at Google Jamboard
  3. Wrap-up and closing remarks


  • 06
  • May, 2021
The Country Dialogue with communities of people affected by TB, NGOs working in TB and family members was conducted on 6 May 2021.
  1. Information on the Allocation Letter from the Global Fund. Plan of the funding request development.
  2. Examples of Community, Rights and Gender-related Investments during COVID-19: Summary of COVID-19 Guidance Notes and Recommendations from Civil Society and Communities.
  3. NGOs proposals. Working at Google Jamboard

Minutes of the Country Dialogue 
List of participants

  • 06
  • May, 2021
The meeting of the Global Fund Country Team, CCM Technical Working Group on COVID-19 proposal developement to obtain funding from the Global Fund and other stakeholders was held on May 6, 2021.
  1. Q&A session on preparation of the Funding Request for the Global Fund under the COVID19 Response Mechanism.
  2. Miscellanea.


  • 05
  • May, 2021
The Country Dialogue with communities of men who have sex with men, transgender people and sex workers was conducted on 5 May 2021.
  1. Information on the Allocation Letter from the Global Fund. Plan of the funding request development.
  2. Examples of Community, Rights and Gender-related Investments during COVID-19: Summary of COVID-19 Guidance Notes and Recommendations from Civil Society and Communities.
  3. NGOs proposals. Working at Google Jamboard

Minutes, list of participants


  • 04
  • May, 2021
The Country Dialogue with communities of people who use drugs, patients of the Opioid Agonist Maintenance Therapy program in the Republic of Kazakhstan and people living with HIV was conducted on 4 May 2021.
  1. Information on the Allocation Letter from the Global Fund. Plan of the funding request development.
  2. Examples of Community, Rights and Gender-related Investments during COVID-19: Summary of COVID-19 Guidance Notes and Recommendations from Civil Society and Communities.
  3. NGOs proposals. Working at Google Jamboard

Minutes, list of participants




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