Home Meetings CCM meeting as of May 04, 2017

CCM meeting as of May 04, 2017

  • 04
  • May, 2017
The meeting of the Country Coordinating Committee Working with International Organizations on HIV and Tuberculosis issues (hereinafter - CCM) was held with the participation of the Vice-Minister of Healthcare Tsoi A.V., and representatives of international and non-governmental organizations.
The following CCM members participated in the meeting: Astana – 4 participants, Almaty – 13 participants, Shymkent – 3 participants. 6 out of 26 CCM members were absent: Astana – 3, Almaty – 3. Quorum is present. 
Management of conflict of interest. During the meeting the following CCM members did not participate in the voting and decision making processes due to the conflict of interest:
  1. N. Amanzholov – CCM Deputy Chairman as LEU "Kazakhstan Union of People Living with HIV" is the sub-recipient of the Global Fund grant for HIV/AIDS component, member of the Oversight Committee (Question 1);
  2. R. Oleinikova - CCM Member, President of the Public Fund "Doveriye Plus", the sub-recipient of the Global Fund grant for HIV/AIDS component  (Questions 1);
  3. G. Mussabekova - CCM member, staff member of the National Scientific Center of Phthisiopulmonology Center (Questions 3 and 5);
  4. B. Turgunbayev – CCM member, Head of the Association of the AIDS Service Organisations "Zholdas", the sub-recipient of the Global Fund grant, Project “HOPE” (QUestion 4);
Four copies of signed conflict of interest declarations are attached to the minutes. 


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