Home Project "Tuberculosis"
Project "Tuberculosis"

The Memorandum of Understanding between the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria and the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Grant Confirmation within the new funding model have been signed for 2017-2019.
As the Principal Recipient of the grant of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, CCM has chosen the "National Center of Tuberculosis Problems". The concept note has been synchronized with the Comprehensive Plan of the Republic of Kazakhstan to fight Tuberculosis for 2014-2020 and complied with the State Health Development Program of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Densaulyk" for 2016-2019. 

As per CCM decision as of December 13, 2013, the final version of the “Concept Note of the Republic of Kazakhstan” on "Tuberculosis" component was approved. The Concept Note has been synchronized with the draft of the Comprehensive Plan of the Republic of Kazakhstan on fight Tuberculosis for 2014-2020. Supporting dual-track financing, the CCM has chosen a state and a non-governmental organization as the Principal Recipiens of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria grant: 1) "National Center for Tuberculosis Problems"; 2) International NGO "Project" HOPE ", the CCM decision as of September 10, 2013.
The CCM selected two PRs: government body - National Center for TB problems and a non-government organization - "Project Hope"as Principal Recipients of funds.Principal Recipients are directly responsible for GFAMT grant implementation. 

The Country Coordinating Committee has approved the "National Center for Tuberculosis Problems" (hereinafter - NCTP) as the Principal Recipient of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (hereinafter - GFATM) grant in Kazakhstan, on "Tuberculosis" component.

NCTP is currently completing the 1st phase of Round 8 and has submitted the funding request for the 2nd phase of Round 8 for GFATM Secretariat approval. 

In order to obtain the grant of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria Component "Tuberculosis and HIV" within the New Funding Model of the Global Fund, the Minister of Healthcare and Social Ddevelopment of the Republic of Kazakhstan Duisenova Tamara Bosymbekovna authorized to sign on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan the Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan №700 as of November 11, 2016  "On signing the Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria". The next step will be the signing of the Grant confirmation between the National Center for Tuberculosis Problems and the Global Fund.

Based on the Global Fund Board’s decision of November 2016 on the allocation of resources for the 2017-2019 allocation period, the Republic of Kazakhstan has been allocated US$12,554,663 for HIV, TB and building resilient and sustainable systems for health (Allocation Letter). As per the CCM resolution dated as of February 24, 2017 (Minutes of the CCM meeting) the funds allocated by the Global Fund have been split between the components in the following way:

a) HIV / AIDS  - 4,500,000 US dollars;
b) Tuberculosis - 8,054,663 US dollars.

Phases of the project

Round 8: