Home Meetings


  • 06
  • May, 2020
The regular working meeting with the international consultant to discuss an application for obtaining funding from the Global Fund for the HIV component for 2021-2023 was held on May 6, 2020.

1. Discussion of the modules and the draft action plan of the Global Fund funding request for the HIV component for 2021-2023;
2. Miscellaneous


  • 27
  • April, 2020
The working meeting of the international consultant and the Global Fund Project Implementation Group of the Kazakh Scientific Center of Dermatology and Infectious Diseases on writing an application for the HIV component to receive funding from the Global Fund for 2021-2023 was held on April 27, 2020.

1.Discussion of the minutes of the meeting of the working group on writing an application for obtaining funding from the Global Fund for the HIV component for 2021-2023


  • 17
  • April, 2020
The meeting of the CCM working group on development of the HIV funding request to receive the Global Fund Funding for 2021-2023 was held on 17 April 2020.

1. Discussion of the draft Module on the new application for obtaining funding from the Global Fund for the HIV component for 2021-2023


  • 02
  • March, 2020
The meeting of the CCM working group on development of the HIV funding request to receive the Global Fund Funding for 2021-2023 was held on 2 March 2020.

1. Information on the analysis of the laboratory equipment;
2. PrEP program;
3. ARV for migrants;
4. Database optimization.


  • 19
  • February, 2020
The meeting of the CCM working group on development of the HIV funding request to receive the Global Fund Funding for 2021-2023 was held on 19 February 2020.

1. Presentation of the Country Dialogue results conducted by the ALE "Kazakhstan Union of PLHIV" with the technical support of the international consultant G. Roshchupkin.
2. Miscellaneous

List of participants 


  • 07
  • February, 2020
The meeting of the CCM working group on development of the HIV funding request to receive the Global Fund Funding for 2021-2023 was held on 7 February 2020.

1. Letter from the Global Fund on the allocation of funding from the Global Fund for Kazakhstan;
2. CCM decision dated January 31, 2020
3. Presentation of Terms of Reference 
4. Coordination of the rules of the working group




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