Home Meetings


  • 20
  • January, 2017
The CCM Working meeting was held on January 20, 2017, with participation of T. Vinichenko, Global Fund Portfolio Manager for Kazakhstan. Agenda included the following issues:
Speaker - Vinichenko T., Senior Fund Portfolio Manager for Eastern Europe and Central Asia Team, Global Fund

Speaker - Davletgaliyeva T., National coordinator on HIV component, Project Implementation unit of The Global Fund grant in Kazakhstan

Speaker - Ismailov Sh., Manager PIU on TB component of the Global Fund grant,  National Center for TB problems

Speaker - Amanzholov N., CCM Deputy Chairman, "Kazakh Union for People Living with HIV"


List of participants


  • 18
  • January, 2017
The working meeting of CCM Vice Chairs and Principal recipients of the Global Fund grant was held on January 18, 2017, with participation of T. Vinichenko, Global Fund Portfolio Manager for Kazakhstan. Agenda included the following issues:
  1. Announcement of the allocation of the new Global Fund funding for HIV and TB components for Kazakhstan from 2018. Speaker - Vinichenko T., Senior Fund Portfolio Manager for Eastern Europe and Central Asia Team, Global Fund.
  2. Discussion of future plans on preparing a new application for the Global Fund funding for  HIV/AIDS and TB components within the New funding model from 2018. Speakers - according to the list. 
  3. Others.


  • 07
  • October, 2016
E-voting was conducted on October 7, 2016, supervised by the CCM Deputy Chairmen. The agenda included the following questions;
1. Consideration and approval of the draft proposal of the Republican Center on Prevention and Control of AIDS (hereinafter – RC AIDS) for the grant extension on HIV/AIDS component of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (hereinafter – the Global Fund);
2. Miscellaneous.
The following CCM members participated in the e-voting: Astana – 4 participants, Almaty – 11 participants, Shymkent – 2 participants. 9 out of 26 CCM members were absent: Astana – 4, Almaty – 4, Shymkent – 1. Quorum is present. 
Management of conflict of interest. During the meeting 1 CCM member should not be involved in the voting and decision making on question #1 due to the conflict of interest.
1) Amanzholov N.Kh., CCM Deputy Chairman, President of LEU "Kazakhstan Union of People Living with HIV".
A copy of the signed conflict of interest declaration is attached to the minutes. 
CCM meeting materials were distributed to all CCM members via e-mail. The following documents were circulated to all CCM members for review:
1) Presentation of the draft proposal of the Republican Center on Prevention and Control of AIDS (hereinafter – RC AIDS) for the grant extension on HIV/AIDS component of the Global Fund – 12 slides;
2) Descriptive part;
3) Letter of support of the Ministry of Healthcare and Social Development of RK.
There were 2 days available for the consideration of the meeting documents and 1 day for the voting. It was proposed the voting via e-mail to be carried out in the following way: every CCM member should send his/her vote via e-mail in the following order: “For”, “Against” or “Abstain” with a proposal to explain the causes of abstention. 


  • 29
  • June, 2016
E-voting was conducted on June 29, 2016, supervised by CCM Deputy Chairmen. The agenda included the following questions:
1. Consideration and approval of the request of the National Center of Tuberculosis Problems for budget reprogramming of the grant under the New funding model of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria (hereinafter – the Global Fund);
2. Miscellaneous.
The following CCM members participated in the e-voting: Astana – 5 participants, Almaty – 13 participants, Shymkent – 3 participants. 4 out of 26 CCM members were absent: Astana – 2, Almaty – 2. Quorum is present. 
Management of conflict of interest. During the meeting 2 CCM members should not be involved in the voting and decision making on question #1 due to the conflict of interest, and they therefore did not participate in the CCM meeting. 
CCM meeting materials were distributed to all CCM members via e-mail. The following documents were circulated to all CCM members for review:
1) Draft work plan on implementation of a new request for 2016-2019;
2) Draft budget with calculations in the context of activities;
3) Draft concept note of Kazakhstan to the Global Fund within the New funding model.
There were 6 days available for the consideration of the meeting documents and 1 day for the voting. It was proposed the voting via e-mail to be carried out in the following way: every CCM member should send their votes - “For”, “Against” or “Abstain” with explanation of the causes of abstention. 


  • 18
  • May, 2016
The meeting of the Country Coordinating Committee for Work with International Organizations was held with the participation of the Minister of Healthcare and Social Development Duisenova T.K., Vice-Minister of Healthcare and Social Development Tsoi A.V., and representatives of international and non-governmental organizations.
The following CCM members participated in the meeting: Astana – 7 participants, Almaty – 12 participants, Shymkent – 3 participants. 4 out of 27 CCM members were absent: Astana – 2, Almaty – 2. Quorum is present. 
Management of conflict of interest. During the meeting 3 CCM members did not participate in the voting and decision making processes on questions 5, 6 due to the conflict of interest:
1) T. Duisenova – Minister of Healthcare and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan. “National Center of Tuberculosis Problems of the Ministry of Healthcare and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan” and “Republican Center on Prevention and Control of AIDS” are subordinate organizations of the MHSD of RK.
2) N. Amanzholov – CCM Deputy Chairman since LEU "Kazakhstan Union of People Living with HIV" is the sub-recipient of the Global Fund grant on HIV/AIDS component. 
3) B. Turgunbayev – CCM member, sub-recipient of the Global Fund grant on TB, HIV/AIDS component, Project “HOPE”.
Three copies of signed conflict of interest declarations are attached to the minutes. 


  • 08
  • April, 2016
The CCM meeting was held on April 08, 2016 chaired by N. Amanzholov, CMM Deputy Chairman, with participation of T. Vinichenko, Portfolio manager of the Global Fund grant. 
Video conferencing for participants was provided from the following venues:
1) Astana, Bokei khan str., 14, UNCP, conference hall on the 1st floor;
2) Almaty, Tole bi str., UNCP, R. Aadamyan conference hall;
3) Geneva, via skype. 

The agenda included the following questions:
1. Provision of antiretroviral treatment for foreign citizens on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Speaker – Bazylbekov Azamat Khazyrovich, Deputy Chairman of the Penal System Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
2.1 Presentation of the new Partnership Project "Stop TB": "Increasing meaningful participation of civil society in the reduction of the TB burden in Kazakhstan"; Speaker – Imbragimova Oxana, advocacy specialist, EHRN project “"Harm reduction works – Fund it", LEU "Kazakhstan Union of People Living with HIV".
3. Consideration and approval of the request for the use of financial savings under the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria grant on HIV / AIDS component. Speaker - T. Davletgalieva, National Coordinator on HIV/AIDS Component of the Global Fund grant.
4. Recent developments and planned activities on substitution therapy program in Kazakhstan. Speaker – Rotberga Signe, Program officer, UNODC;
5. Presentation of a new USAID Project Flagship in Central Asia. Speaker – Sauranbayeva Mira, Regional advisor on work with state entities of NGO “Population Services International”.
6. Miscellaneous.




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