Home Meetings


  • 11
  • November, 2014

In the framework of the project "Support to the CCM for 2014-2015", funded by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, an expanded meeting of the CCM took place on 11 November, 2014 with technical support of GLDU UNDP. CCM members, partners from national and international organizations participated in the meeting. Venue: Astana, «Park Inn by Radisson» Hotel. The meeting was chaired by Goliusov A., Vice-Chair of the CCM, Director of the UNAIDS office in Kazakhstan. The CCM meeting was attended the Vice-Minister of Health and Social Development, Portfolio Manager of the Global Fund for Eastern Europe and Central Asia countries, representatives of the Ministry of National Economy, Education and Science, Defense and Internal Affairs, Directors of the National Center of TB problems, Republican scientific - practical Center of Medical and Social Problems of drug addiction, chief physicians of the regional AIDS centers, Narcological and TB Dispensaries, country representatives of international organizations - UNODC, USAID, WHO, CDC, KNCV, PSI. In the course of the meeting issues related to the implementation of programs for prevention of HIV and tuberculosis in Kazakhstan, funded by the Global Fund, plan for implementation of the Concept Note under the Global Fund grant within the New Funding Model for 2015-2017 years in Kazakhstan, sustainability of the coordination mechanism in response to the HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis in the Republic of Kazakhstan were discussed.

 Agenda of the meeting of the Country Coordinating Committee for Work with international organizations included the following issues:

 1. Key aspects of the HIV prevention program;

2. Key directions of development of the TB services of RK;

3. Ensuring the sustainability of the coordination mechanism;

4. Voting for the resolution of the CCM meeting.


List of participants;

Presentation - Balabayev T.;

Presentation - Davletgaliyeva T.;

Report on HIV-infected without citizenship of the RK;

Presentation - Abildayev T.

Presentation - Ismailov S.;

Presentation - Tatimov Y.;

Presentation - Sianozova M.

Presentation - Kulzhanov M.

Presentation - Goliusov A.

Draft Oversight plan

Draft CCM Regulations;

Draft Communications plan;

Draft Secretariat Operational Manual;


  • 11
  • July, 2014

At the meeting the results of the first mission of experts from GMS project, funded by USAID (hereinafter – GMS experts) have been discussed. A team of GMS experts consisting of 3 international consultants (David Otiashvili, Natalia Davydenko, Nata Avaliani) and 1 local consultant (Daria Temirbekova) worked in Kazakhstan from June 30 to July 11, 2014, under the new qualification criteria and the new funding model of Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (hereinafter - the Global Fund). GMS experts are planning two more visits to Kazakhstan by the end of this year.

Terms of reference of GMS experts included the technical assistance to the CCM to develop a plan for sustainability of programs funded by the Global Fund, as well as increasing the capacity of the CCM and its secretariat.

The agenda of the meeting of CCM members in Almaty,

Venue: R. Adamyan Conference Hall, the UN building

1. Preliminary results of the first mission of GMS experts in the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2 Discussion and drafting plan of two working groups, including national experts to:

     a) Develop a plan to ensure the sustainability of the Country Coordinating Mechanism (hereinafter - CCM);

     b) To update policies and internal rules of CCM



Presentation of GMS experts

The working group №1

The working group №2


  • 18
  • June, 2014

Working meeting of the CCM with the participation of N. Farcy, Portfolio Manager of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (hereinafter - the Global Fund) to discuss issues related to ART for migrants, the draft report with the recommendations of the Experts from GMS project, funded by USAID to improve the work of the Country Coordinating Committee (hereinafter-CCM) and the definition of an action plan for implementing the recommendations.

Venue: Almaty, Tole bi str., 67, United Nations Building, R. Adamyan Conference Hall.

Moderator: Nurali Amanzholov, deputy chairman of the CCM, president of ULE "Kazakh Union of people living with HIV."

On the agenda:

1. Review of two grants of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (hereinafter - the Global Fund);

N. Farcy  

2. Antiretroviral therapy for migrants, N.Amanzholov, A. Goliusov

3. Draft proposal of PF «Answer» to increase migrants' access to quality health and social services in order to prevent the spread of tuberculosis; Demeuova R., Coordinator of the CCM Secretariat, UNDP

4. Qualification criteria of Global Fund for CCM and recommendation of experts of GMS project, funded by USAID; Demeuova R., Coordinator of the CCM Secretariat, UNDP

5. Miscellaneous


  • 12
  • May, 2014

Agenda of the meeting of the Country Coordinating Committee on work with international organizations included the following issues:

1.Consideration and approval of the Plan to handle financial savings within the grant of Round 8 of funding by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (hereinafter - the Global Fund);

The presentation - Ismailov S.S., manager of the Project Implementation Unit of the Global Fund under the National Center for Tuberculosis Problems of MoHRK.

 2. Oversight Committee of CCM and Action Plan for implementing the oversight role of the CCM for 2014 - 2015;

 The presentation - Demeuova R., Coordinator of the Secretariat of the CCM.

 3. Miscellaneous


Minutes of the meeting of the CCM;

Declaration on the CI;

Presentation (question 1);

Presentation (question 2).



  • 31
  • December, 2013

CCM meeting via video conference chaired by N. Amanzholov, Deputy Chairman of the CCM, President ULE "Kazakh Union of People Living with HIV." The agenda included consideration and approval of the following issues:

1.Consideration and approval of the final draft Concept Note of the Republic of Kazakhstan for a grant for 2014-2016 for the component "Tuberculosis" under the new funding model of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (hereinafter - the Global Fund).                                                                                                      

2. Consideration and approval of the draft application for a grant for technical support of the work of the Country Coordinating Committee on work with international organizations (hereinafter - CCM) for 2014-2015 in the framework of enhanced funding of the Global Fund.

Draft Concept Note of the Republic of Kazakhstan for a grant for 2014-2016 was circulated via email to all members of the CCM for their reference;

CCM members took part in the video conference from the following cities of Kazakhstan: Astana - 7 persons, Almaty - 9 persons, Karaganda - 1 person, Shymkent - 1 person. Absent 9 CCM members: 3 members of the CCM from Almaty, 1 - Kostanay , 1 - Karaganda, 1 - Astana, 1 - Pavlodar, 2 - Shymkent.

Managing conflict of interests. During the meeting, one member of the CCM had conflict of interests on issue № 1: Esmagambetova A.S., Chairman of the Committee for Sanitary Inspection of the Ministry of Health of RK, a member of the CCM didn’t participate in the voting.                                                                                         

Declaration of a conflict of interests signed by Esmagambetova A.S.  is attached to the minutes.                                                                                                      

Videoconferencing between the cities of Astana, Almaty, Karaganda and Shymkent has been provided with the technical support of the Republican Center for Health Development.


list of participants


draft concept note


  • 15
  • November, 2013
CCM e-meeting as of November 15, 2013 chaired by Ms.Kairbekova S.Z., CCM Chair, Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Meeting agenda included consideration and approval of the following issues:
1.Reprogramming savings of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria grant on "HIV" component:
1.1.Updated Plan for equipment;
1.2.Purchase of insulin needles, alcohol wipes for injecting drug users;
1.3.Two trainings on opioid substitution therapy.
2.Request to purchase the second-line drugs within the Round 8 of the Global Fund grant in Kazakhstan for 2010-2014.
In order to consider the meeting materials were sent to all CCM members by e-mail:
1)Presentation 1 "Reprogramming of the Global Fund grant funds";
2)Presentation 2 "Mastering the budget savings for the purchase of anti- TB drugs for second-line project in Round 8 of the Global Fund in Kazakhstan for 2010-2014" ;
3)Calculations of residues second-line drugs ;

Management of Conflicts of interests. During the meeting the following CCM members had not participated due to the Conflicts of Interests in the voting and decision making processes:
item #1:
1)Kairbekova S.Z., CCM Chairman, Minister of Health;
2)Amanzholov N. , President LEU "Kazakhstan Union of People Living with HIV", Deputy CCM Chair;
3)Esmagambetova A., Chairman of the Committee for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, CCM member;
4)Sauranbaeva M., Director of the International non-profit organization Population Services International in Kazakhstan, CCM member;
5)Pak A., Director of the Public Fund "You Are Not Alone", CCM member;
6)Ruzhnikova Z., Deputy director of the Public Charitable Foundation "Shapagat", CCM member;
7)Turgunbaev B., president of Association of AIDS - service organizations" Zholdas", CCM member.

and item #2 
1)Kairbekova S.Z., CCM Chairman, Minister of Health;
2)Esmagambetova A., Chairman of the Committee for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, CCM member.




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