Home Meetings


  • 19
  • December, 2019
On December 19, 2019, with the technical support of UNAIDS in Central Asia, a training was held for representatives of NGOs working with the MSM community. The training program included issues of preparing an application using the updated Global Fund forms, Monitoring and Evaluation, as well as information on the HIV epidemiological situation.


  • 13
  • November, 2019
Under UNAIDS technical support, training was conducted on 13 November 2019 for NGO representatives working on HIV and TB issues.
The following topics were covered:
1) Monitoring and evaluation of prevention programs;
2) Development of an application to obtain funding for NGO.


  • 20
  • September, 2019
The meeting of the Country Coordinating Committee on Work with International Organizations on HIV and Tuberculosis issues (CCM) was held within the UNDP Project "Support to CCM 2018-2019" funded by UNAIDS/UBRAF, with the participation of the Vice-Minister of Healthcare of RK, Ms. Aktayeva L.M. and representatives of international and non-governmental organizations.
The following CCM members participated in the meeting: Nur-Sultan – 4 participants, Almaty – 17 participants, Shymkent – 2 participants, Taldykorgan - 1 participant. 2 out of 26 CCM members were absent: Nur-Sultan – 2. Quorum is present. 
Management of conflict of interest. During the meeting the following CCM members did not participate in the voting and decision-making processes due to the conflict of interest:
Zh. Bekshin - CCM member, Vice-Chair of the Committee for Quality Control and Safety of Goods and Services, Ministry of Health of RK (Question #2);
O. Ibragimova - CCM member, SR, a.i. Union of Legal Entities "Kazakh Union of People Living with HIV" (Questions #2, #6);
A. Terlikbayeva - CCM member, Director of the Columbia University Global Health Research Center of Central Asia (Question #1).
Three copies of signed conflict of interest declarations are attached to the minutes. 



  • 20
  • September, 2019
Training for CCM members was conducted on 20 September 2019 on the following issues:
  1. Global Fund Eligibility Requirements to CCM, Ryssaldy Demeuova, Coordinator of the CCM Secretariat
  2. CCM International experience, Gabriela Ionascu, Strategic Information Adviser for Central Asia, UNAIDS Subregional Office 
  3. Gender sensitive communication, Marat Raimkanov, UNDP Communication Specialist


  • 15
  • August, 2019
The meeting of CCM working groups was held on August 15, 2019 in Almaty with the participation of representatives of NGOs, state organizations and other partners.
The goal of the meeting is to support the capacity building initiative of civil society and communities by creating opportunities for their involvement and participation in key decision-making processes.
The meeting agenda included the following items:

  1. Preliminary results for the “Optima” program. Estimates of the number of MSM, the first stage. 
  2. Preliminary research results for the MSM group as part of two UNI projects implemented by the Global Health Research Center in Central Asia
  3. Information on PWID project within the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria grant in Almaty 
  4. Information on the results of implementation of the project within the grant of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, implemented by the Public Fund “Amansaulyk”.
  5. The need to allocate a state social order for the care and support of children living with HIV. 
  6. Analysis of barriers to intellectual property that prevent access to generic drugs in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  7. A study at the national level on comparing the results of procurement of test systems for determining markers of HIV infection and immune status (CD4 / CD8) and for determining HIV RNA (viral load) in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  8. Approval of the draft Transition plan from international to domestic financing for tuberculosis component;
  9. Practical Guide to implementing integrated HIV and STI programs for MSM (MSMIT)
  10. Approval of the CCM work plan and the CCM oversight function for the next year.

Minutes of the meeting


  • 14
  • May, 2019
The meeting of CCM working groups was held on May 14, 2019 in Almaty with the participation of representatives of NGOs, state organizations and other partners.
The goal of the meeting is to support the capacity building initiative of civil society and communities by creating opportunities for their involvement and participation in key decision-making processes.
The meeting agenda included the following items:
  1. - The status of the Roadmap for the implementation of the Methadone substitution therapy program. Opioid dependent patients recruitment plans on substitution treatment; - Implementation of OST in Kazakhstan.
  2. HIV React Project;
  3. State social contracting in the penitentiary system for HIV / Tuberculosis programs;
  4. Political Declaration of the UN GA on TB;
  5. Representative of the AIDS Center in Almaty on the PWID Global Fund project;
  6. "Amansaulyk" component, indicators;
  7. CCM Working Group on Gender Issues (terms of reference, composition);
  8. HIV and population migration;
  9. Pilot study on the prevention of HIV transmission reduction among 50 MSM within 2 years in Almaty, Kazakhstan;
  10. The results of the implementation of the state social contracting in 2018 of the private non-commercial institution “Demeu Children's Coordination Center”. “Preparing parents of HIV-infected children for status disclosure.” Results and conclusions of the project.
  11. Practical Guide to implementing comprehensive HIV and STI programs for MSM (MSMIT).




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