1. Introduction of changes to the CCM membership and approval of membership of the working group for development of the Guidelines on CCM (N.I. Nazirova); 2. Discussion of sections of the draft Guidelines on CCM (N.K. Amanzholov)
1. Meeting with the Grant Management Solutions experts (GMS) GFATM for rendering technical aid to the CCM and CCM Secretariat; 2. Discussion of the issue of shifting the complete overhaul from the Talgar Republican TB Dispensary to the National Center for TB Problems of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan regarding the GFATM grant provided specifically for «Tuberculosis» component of the 8th round.
CCM meeting hold on 25 March 2010 considered the Closure of grant # KAZ-202-G01-H-00 “Assistance and support of safer behavior choices among vulnerable groups of population (injecting drug users, commercial sex workers, youth), assistance and support to people living with HIV/AIDS” within the framework of the II Round of the GFAMT
CCM meeting hold on 21 October 2009 considered approval of reprogramming of the Global Fund’s grant of the 7th round specifically for HIV component
1. Consideration and approval of request for continued funding of the 2nd phase of the 6th round of grant of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (hereinafter GFATM) #KAZ-607-G02-T titled “Decrease of Tuberculosis Burden in Kazakhstan”; 2. Сonsideration and approval of the country request for Tuberculosis and HIV components of the 9th round of GFATM funding.
CCM meeting hold on 12 May 2008 considered approval of candidacies of Principal Recipients for Tuberculosis, HIV and Malaria components.
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