Home Meetings


  • 24
  • February, 2017
The meeting of the Country Coordinating Committee was held with the participation of the Vice-Minister of Healthcare Tsoi A.V., and representatives of international and non-governmental organizations.
The following CCM members participated in the meeting: Astana – 5 participants, Almaty – 14 participants, Temirtau - 1, Shymkent – 3 participants. 3 out of 26 CCM members were absent: Astana – 2, Almaty – 1. Quorum is present. 
Management of conflict of interest. During the meeting the following CCM members did not participate in the voting and decision making processes due to the conflict of interest:
  1. Tsoi A.V. – Vice-Minister of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The National Phthisiopulmonology Research Center of the Ministry of Healthcare of RK and the Republican Center on Prevention and Control of AIDS are subordinate organizations of the MH of RK (Questions 4.1, 6);
  2. N. Amanzholov – CCM Deputy Chairman as LEU "Kazakhstan Union of People Living with HIV" is the sub-recipient of the Global Fund grant for HIV/AIDS component, member of the Oversight Committee (Question 6, 4.1, 4.3, 4.4);
  3. A. Goliusov - CCM Deputy Chairman, Director of UNAIDS Country Office in Kazakhstan (Questions 4.3, 4.4);
  4. G. Mussabekova - CCM member, staff member of the National Phthisiopulmonology Research Center (Question 6);
  5. B. Turgunbayev – CCM member, sub-recipient of the Global Fund grant, Project “HOPE”;
  6. V. Vinogradov - CCM member, member of the working group on development of the application and conduction of the Country Dialogue (Question 4.3).
Six copies of signed conflict of interest declarations are attached to the minutes. 



  • 31
  • January, 2017
The meeting of the technical working group on development of the funding request for HIV component and conduct of the Country Dialogue was held on January 31, 2017. Agenda included the following issues:
  1. Discussion of the first draft funding request for HIV component;
  2. Discussion of the plan on implementation of the Country Dialogue.

  • 20
  • January, 2017
The CCM Working meeting was held on January 20, 2017, with participation of T. Vinichenko, Global Fund Portfolio Manager for Kazakhstan. Agenda included the following issues:
Speaker - Vinichenko T., Senior Fund Portfolio Manager for Eastern Europe and Central Asia Team, Global Fund

Speaker - Davletgaliyeva T., National coordinator on HIV component, Project Implementation unit of The Global Fund grant in Kazakhstan

Speaker - Ismailov Sh., Manager PIU on TB component of the Global Fund grant,  National Center for TB problems

Speaker - Amanzholov N., CCM Deputy Chairman, "Kazakh Union for People Living with HIV"


List of participants


  • 18
  • January, 2017
The working meeting of CCM Vice Chairs and Principal recipients of the Global Fund grant was held on January 18, 2017, with participation of T. Vinichenko, Global Fund Portfolio Manager for Kazakhstan. Agenda included the following issues:
  1. Announcement of the allocation of the new Global Fund funding for HIV and TB components for Kazakhstan from 2018. Speaker - Vinichenko T., Senior Fund Portfolio Manager for Eastern Europe and Central Asia Team, Global Fund.
  2. Discussion of future plans on preparing a new application for the Global Fund funding for  HIV/AIDS and TB components within the New funding model from 2018. Speakers - according to the list. 
  3. Others.




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